Señora Maria Chace » Welcome to La clase de español!

Welcome to La clase de español!

My name is Señora Chace, and I am pleased to have you in my Spanish class for this school year. This will be my eighth year teaching Spanish.  I am originally from Colombia (South America) where I graduated from the University Autonoma del Caribe with a B.A. in Law.

I am extremely happy to be at Elkhart High School, and I am looking forward to teaching and developing language skills with you. Below are some of the expectations that I have for you for the rest of the year. I have set high expectations for all my students.

 I want you to have enthusiasm for the curriculum.

 I hope that you maintain active communication between school and home when it comes to what you are learning.

 Review class vocabulary with someone at home for 15 minutes or go online to

 Keep track of your grades by accessing the school grade book.

 Attend tutoring if you need help.

 Students need to be on time for class and prepared for the instructional time and activities.

 Record and complete classwork from the daily agenda.

 Quality work is expected for every assignment.

 You will do your work. This means we will not use online translators. Use the dictionary.

 Students must adhere to the Dress Code Policy, and always show appropriate language, manners, and behavior at all times.

 Be an active participant!


•COURSE DESCRIPTION: Spanish I integrates all the modalities of Spanish, speaking, reading, writing, and listening, to help the students achieve a basic level of proficiency.

Students will study the most elementary concepts of grammar, vocabulary, dialogue, and culture, focusing on activities and routines used in daily life at school and home. The students will develop their skills and knowledge of the Spanish language through listening, reading, speaking, and writing. Daily activities include: Listening to native speakers on audio and video, singing songs, playing games, and practicing vocabulary in group activities.


•GRADING: Grades are based on tests, quizzes, homework, class participation, and projects. The state-mandated grading scale is as follows:

A 90-100    B 80- 89     C 70- 79     F 0- 69

Your grade will be based on the following categories and weights*:

Tests & projects. 30%

Homework/quizzes/classwork/bellwork /participation *,and miscellaneous assignments. 10%

Daily work. 40%

Six weeks- test 20%

* Semester Test: 15% of your grade for that period.

*Participation: Students are expected to participate in all class activities. You will have numerous opportunities to accumulate participation points throughout the school year. I will carry a specific sheet for participation points. Failure to follow class procedures, arriving tardy or unprepared to class, and other unacceptable behavior will greatly hurt your class participation grade.

•MAJOR UNITS AND PROJECTS: Research, Presentation, and Technology.

Listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities will be appropriately included.


1st QUARTER: Spanish-speaking countries, introductions, greetings, alphabet, time, months, days, weather, numbers, likes, dislikes, personality traits, class schedule, school supplies, & comparing school experiences.

2nd QUARTER: Describe what you like and don’t like to eat and drink, food groups, eating habits, time, favorite

hobbies, places you go and visit, and with whom you travel.


3rd QUARTER: Describe family members and friends, telling someone’s age, talk about the likes and dislikes of others, where you live, your home, household chores, describe the color and fit of clothes, buying clothes, and shopping activities.

4th QUARTER: Describe vacation choices and activities, talk about the weather, discuss trips, and culture, express opinions about entertainment, and express what you have just done, and gestures.



All assignments are due before students leave class each day. You must write legibly or I will not accept your work.

Students will be notified ahead of time before homework is assigned.



Late daily assignments and homework will receive no credit at all. An unexcused tardy to class will give you only half credit for your work. Projects and presentations will drop one letter grade per day for up to 3 days. I am under absolutely no obligation to grant one single point for any work that arrives to me late, please keep that in mind.


Tutorials are available before and after school. Students can also work on reviewing specific lessons or concepts by accessing the publisher’s website at



- You must be seated and start your “Trabajo de campana” (Bell-work). It will be graded every Thursday.

-Bring the required materials to class every day

-Food and beverage will not be allowed in my classroom. Just water in a clear bottle.

-Cell phones or iPods, will not be brought to my classroom or I will pick them up. (High school handbook)

-Profanity in any language will not be tolerated

-Do not ask to leave the classroom unless you want to use your bathroom passes.

-Speak Spanish when vocabulary is being presented.

-Respect your teacher and your classmates at all times. Keep negative comments to yourself.

-Enjoy your wonderful opportunity to learn Spanish

-Wait for appropriate breaks to ask questions.

- Do not cheat. Anyone caught cheating will receive an automatic zero and an office referral.



The following is the list of tentative small and major projects and celebrations for the school year. Students will be notified of the due dates during the school year.


Spanish speaking Countries  Spanish everywhere (binder)

Weather project (poster) Famous Hispanic person

Myself poster (Yo soy …) Likes & Dislikes -Poster

My favorite food. Body parts

Recite poems/ conversations

Day of the Death

Cinco de Mayo Family Tree

Clothing catalog – La revista.


Thank you for your cooperation.


Señora Chace