Elkhart Band Boosters
Boosters are already up and running...working as hard as ever! Please consider joining this group of parents as they provide meals for all out of town games as well as working all of the home MS Volleyball games concession stand this season to raise money for the annual scholarship and the upcoming (next year) Disney Trip.
There's lots to do...so "get up off of that thang..."!!!
The band boosters are an organization of band parents and friends who work to support the band program at EHS. Their function is to support the entire band program, not just the marching band. Besides volunteer assistance, they also care for uniforms, raise money to pay for scholarships, and just about any other expense relating to the band program. The BIG RED Band Boosters welcome your involvement. Rather than wait to be asked for your help, just follow your student to the band hall and ask any of the boosters what you can do to help. There is a place for everyone and lots to be done.
Why should you become a BIG RED Band Booster?
Booster Benefits
Join us!
Being a booster shows your child that you are interested in what they’re interested in. And becoming a booster is easy! All you need to do is participate – as much or as little as your schedule allows.
2013-2014 Membership Form
Fee is $5.00 per person
Parent’s Name __________________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________
City Zip
Home Phone ___________________________ Work Phone _________________________
Cell Phone _____________________________ Email ______________________________
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