Natali Richmon » Mrs. Natali Richmon

Mrs. Natali Richmon

Hello there, I am so glad you're here! My name is Natali Richmon and I am one of five Agriculture Science teachers at EISD. I teach most of our Animal Science Classes. These include Veterinary Medicine Applications, Small Animal Management in conjunction with Equine Science, and Livestock Production. Students that are enrolled in Ag. Classes at Elkhart ISD are automatically FFA members due to our Affiliation. With that comes a plethora of opportunities that can but do not have to include raising a livestock project. Students may run for leadership roles, compete in career and leadership development contest, compete in speaking and talent competitions and so much more. Students are encouraged to take full advantage of these opportunities as they are great developmentally as well as open many opportunities for college and career readiness.  Once again, I am so glad you are here and I cannot wait to see what all we can learn and accomplish this year.