Culinary Arts (Period 6th) Assignments

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Legumes (culinary arts) factors of production (economics)

Hi everyone!  Our last assignment!!! 
Culinary arts will view the powerpoint "legumes" and fill out the guided notes.
Economics will use the reference chart and do the factors of production worksheet.
Please be sure and write your name and class period on your assignment. 
Hope everyone is well. Miss yall!
Mrs. Camp



Hello everyone! Hope you are all doing well.
Culinary Arts:  View meat powerpoint and use it to answer the notes.
Economics: View powerpoint and answer assignments about the 4 economic systems.
All are due Monday, May 4.
If you have questions please e-mail me.



Hi everyone! Hope you are safe and well. 
Economics: Read the information and answer ALL questions in the packet.(Federal Reserve/Monetary Policy) You may write the answers as long as they are legible or you may type them.
Culinary Arts:  Study the menu design slideshow and the dominant flavor charts.  Using that information complete the contrast/menu assignment.
Please do not hesitate to e-mail me if you have any questions. 
MIss you all!
Mrs. Camp



Good morning everyone! I hope you had a great spring break.  I know these are trying times and we are walking into uncharted territory with online lessons , but we are all learning together. If you have any questions about any assignment please do not hesitate to email me.  My email is [email protected].  I miss all of you and hope to see you SOON!
Be safe and healthy. Love you all.
Mrs. Camp
Economic Students with wi-fi access will do The Economics of the Coronavirus Webquest
Economic Students without wi-fi access will do the Banks and Baking assignment   Admin. may print this package and get this to you. Please call the hs and see if it will be printed.
Culinary Arts students.- All CA students have the same assignment. How to Make Perfect Pasta Lesson. This may also be printed if you do not have wi-fi access. Please call the hs and see if this will be printed.
Again, please e-mail me with any questions.  If I don't know the answer we can call the hs for help.