Financial Math (Period 5) Assignments

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Past Assignments


Assignments 5/4 - 5/21

New assignments are posted on Google Classroom! They are due May 21st. To access these assignments go to Please e-mail me at [email protected] if you have any questions. 


Review Assignments

New assignments have been posted in Google Classroom! Please contact me if you have any questions. Visit to access the assignments due May 4.



New assignments for the week have been posted in Google Classroom! Please contact me if you have any questions.



Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great spring break and are enjoying some extra time away from school. We will of course keep doing things just like normal class. I have decided to use Google Classroom to post lectures, notes, and assignments. You can access this online (Chrome works best) or you can download the app to your phone. It might take a little while to get used to so we’re going to use this first week as a trial run. For this reason I have not put due dates on these assignments. However, I would like them to be completed by Friday and all future work will be due by midnight on Friday.

So, the first thing you need to do is go to Google Classroom ( or download the app. Once you’re there, hit the plus button, join a class, and then enter the correct code for your class period from the list below:

1st Period Prep for College Algebra:   nc4zdcx

2nd Period Financial Math:   ihm5zva

3rd Period Financial Math:   pfnrh2v

4th Period Financial Math:   ad72ukn

5th Period Financial Math:   wjrigc4

6th Period Prep for College Algebra:   rqwbou5

Once you’ve joined the correct class you should see three options: stream, classwork, and people. The stream will contain information and announcements from me. The classwork tab will have all of your materials. So, go to that tab and start from the top! Notes and Examples are just like in class, I recommend paying attention and taking notes for yourself just like normal. I have providing answer keys and/or explanations for the examples. The Practices or Homeworks are the graded assignments. If you are using the app on your phone you should be able to open the assignment and see a pen icon in the top right corner. Click that icon and you will be able to write on the assignment and then submit your work. If you are using the browser on your computer you may have to have a PDF annotation extension or program (just search for a free one and you should be able to find one…I use the Kami extension on Chrome but there are lots of different me if you need help with this). We will talk later on about tests if that comes up before we get back to the school.

Please feel free to contact me if you need help! My email is [email protected] or you can contact me through Remind (the Prep for College Algebra code is @ed4ffc and the Financial Math code is @36b2fb).