Shawn Mize » Links


Short video on the structure and content of History Logs.
Link to search feature for AP US History scores accepted at various colleges and universities for college class credit.
Information from the AP College Board website on the structure of the Exam
AP US History Course and Exam Manual with detailed information about the flow of the course.
A site that allows you to create MLA formatted citations from webpages, books, etc.
Purdue University's Online Writing Lab which has ample information on how to use MLA format for citing research.
Free online tool to create MLA in text citations and bibliographical citations for essays.
University of Houston Digital History database of primary documents
A valuable resource on both the format of the APUSH exam as well as the nine periods that it covers.
A pretty decent rundown of the steps in pre-writing and analyzing documents for DBQ along with the intro and conclusion paragraphs.
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