Carol Harris » ¡Viva Español, Vamos Elks!

¡Viva Español, Vamos Elks!

Hola, soy Señora Carol Harris, I am Mrs. Carol Harris.

I was born and raised in Houston, Texas. I graduated from SFASU in December of 1996. I got married to Jason Harris in January of 1997 and moved to Palestine. I have been both teaching Spanish and raising our 4 kids since then. We attend ET Palestine, where my husband is the pastor. I have 13 years in our local public schools, 3 in private and the rest were homeschool.Soy yo

A little about me: beside loving God and my family, I love to hang out and talk with friends, travel, go on missions trips, get lost in a book, sing and (trying to) play the guitar. I also love Operation Christmas Child (that’s where you pack a shoebox and send it out to kids all over the world), doing creative artistic things like, making bracelets, scrapbooking, drawing, etc… and YES, I LOVE SPEAKING SPANISH and learning about new, different cultures of the world.

I am excited about my 1st year as an Elk, our youngest daughter will be an Elk too! I am a people person and I am looking forward to getting to know all the freshmen this year in Spanish 1. I am passionate about the Spanish language and while this class is required and we will be working hard, I believe we can enjoy the journey!

Spanish 1
Room 130
Conference period:
2nd, 8:55- 9:55
Remind: ElkhartSpanish1
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